How To Choose A Closing Attorney

Choosing the right house and completing the deal is a milestone in your life—one that is the culmination of years of work, planning, and saving. But how do you choose the right one? Part of the process includes finding an attorney. When facing one of the most significant financial decisions, you need someone focused on protecting you.

Trust The Team

In addition to a lawyer, you are likely working with a realtor. One of the most common ways people meet their real estate agent (or their attorney) is through referrals. You find someone you know and trust and ask them who they use.

Maybe your friends and family know a real estate agent. Or they are aware of some who have high reputations within your community. If you find a real estate agent you are comfortable working with, ask her if she has attorneys that she could recommend. In North Carolina, the buyer gets to choose the real estate attorney.

Your real estate agent is likely going to have an existing network of real estate lawyers. There is nothing wrong with asking her why she prefers one attorney over the other. For example, she might say she has one lawyer who is incredibly responsive and diligent. Having a real estate agent and an attorney who has already developed a good working relationship can make the process easier for you.

Distance May Not Be A Problem

Although real estate agents tend to work within specific markets and communities, your lawyer might not have the same ties—and that’s ok. There’s also nothing wrong with choosing an attorney who lives in the same town as your future home.

Finding An Attorney On Your Own

Perhaps you chose to work without a real estate agent. Or you are moving to a new area where you don’t know anyone. Maybe you chose a real estate agent at random and aren’t comfortable asking for a recommendation from her just yet.

Referrals from people who trust should be your starting point. If that is not feasible, your next best option is referrals from people you don’t know. This comes in the form of testimonials and reviews.

Most attorneys are passionate about protecting their clients—and even their future ones. If you find a highly-rated attorney, check her website to see if there are videos. By watching the videos, you get an immediate sense of her personality and demeanor. There is zero cost to you.

What’s Important

When you close on your new home, you want to walk out with confidence and a command of what just happened. There are stacks of pages that need signatures, and a good attorney will take the time to explain everything to you.

You should be comfortable with your attorney. Ask all the questions you need to. When you search for an attorney, keep this in mind. Find the right attorney who will work closely with you and for you.

Thomas & Webber, Law at the Lake

Buying a house is a long process, and it could last several months. It is common to feel overwhelmed by the number of decisions you must make—and choosing an attorney is one of those decisions. Look at it as building a team. The right attorney is going to be a value-add to the process. If you are ready to buy a home and need a professional and experienced attorney, contact Thomas & Webber to schedule your consultation.

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